Cycle Maintainance, Richard Hallett (2002)
A nicely illustrated and easy-to-follow entry-level manual on bicycle maintenance
Hamlyn 0 600 60676 7 112pp £9.99
Producing a manual of this kind is a balancing act. What level of knowledge to assume? How esoteric a level of equipment is it necessary to cover? How much detail to go in to? On all of these Hallett seems to have got it about right.
He covers modern road and mountain bikes in sufficient detail to make most jobs reasonably straightforward. And the spread of topics is impressive. Hub gears and brakes feature, as well as disk brakes and full suspension.
Of course, it won’t stop you facing apparently intractable problems on a bikes that are past the first flushes, have not been well-maintained and do not quite correspond to the photos in this book. But then, nothing will. There is, however, here, enough to get you going on cycle mechanics from the basic to the pretty complex.
The photography and its reproduction is a really strong feature of this book. It looks attractive, uses masses of colour and allows you to see components in sufficient clarity and detail to get a clear understanding of what it is on which you will be working.
Araf December 2008