Complete Medical Guide For Cyclists, Andy Pruitt (2006)
Just the prescription for wheeled worriers
Velo Press 9781931382809 Paperback 200pp $18.95
Look around cycling forums on the internet, or check out the advice columns in the specialist press, and it is clear that there are a great many cyclists seeking answers to vaguely medical issues. For which reason, it is surprising that Andy Pruitt has the field pretty much to himself. Happily, it is a niche that he fills rather well.
That it is an US book is clear from the cover onwards – no other nation on earth favours the man-wearing-a-shirt cover shot as do the Americans. Stylistic points aside, though, its stateside origins are nothing but advantageous. Pruitt is a massively experienced cyclists himself, who has worked with many world-class competitive cyclists, and is a physician of thirty years standing.
From this experience, he has fashioned an almanac of useful advice – from fitting your bike, to dealing with aches and pains and recognising when only expert help will suffice. The book is written in easy-to-read English, with sections broken down into questions and answers, as well as dozens of illustrations and photographs.
Anyone who cycles for more than a few hours a week is going to experience unexpected discomfort at some point. If you are competing seriously, then dealing with infections and accidents is one of the critical skills that marks out winners from also rans. The author’s main focus is competitive cyclists, but there is plenty here to interest more general riders. Perhaps the only concern with such a helpful title is that in might encourage self medication when a qualified eye might spot more serious issues, or persuade those of a hypochondriac disposition to visit the doctors rather too often.
PS May 10