
Reviews of books about cycling is the main business of this site. I try to cover as many as I can of those published in English. I don’t promise to be comprehensive.

When I started, in about 2007, reviewing ‘everything’ seemed possible. Although emerging from the shadows, cycling for sport, recreation and transport were minority activities then. Related publishing reflected this. Since then, sport cycling in the UK, has enjoyed an extraordinary boom – Wiggins, Hoy and Froome being only the tip of a talented, golden generation of competitive cyclists.

As more have taken to two wheels, so writers and publishers have poured out words to sate their interest. Bookshelves now devote multiple shelves to books about bikes.

As a result, I have become rather more selective. In simple terms, I review what interests me and favour the quirky and eye-opening over blockbusting biographies and the more prosaic cycling route guides. I have no hard and fast rules, however.

Also included on this site, are articles penned for other publications. I wrote a weekly column about cycling in The Sunday Times for several years and have written about cycling for specialist and general publications for titles all over the world.

I have also included a few pieces about more general cycling culture – films, exhibitions and live events that has a significant cycling resonance.

I welcome feedback or suggestions. If you wish to share your own views, doing so on the allied Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/cyclingbooks/
is better than leaving comments on the site (these get clogged with spam and can be easily overlooked). Equally, feel free to email me with comments or suggestions tim AT tim-dawson DOT com.

I am a journalist by profession and a lifelong cyclist. If you are interested in my other work, see www.tim-dawson.com. I am open to commissions.

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